First Post and…Batman?!

Beware_the_Batman_img01This is my first post! I honestly thought I would be talking about something anime or manga related, but I’m typing this as I watch the first episode of “Beware the Batman”, so I guess I’ll be talking about Batman!
So far, I think it’s really interesting. It’s about time we have a batman that does a lot of detective work instead of just fighting!!

~The opening doesn’t really seem like it fits all that well, but that’s just personal preference
~I miss Kevin Conroy’s voice as batman, this one’s voice seems really grumpy…again, a matter of preference, so this can’t really be counted as a downside
~Alfred has evolved from the gentleman butler we all loved him for and has turned into a beat-em-up ex-spyWHYYYYY????!!!!
~The Villains aren’t any of the big names! This is a plus-minus benefit/downside, it’s nice to see new people from the rogues-gallery, but I wasn’t at all impressed with professor Pig and Mr. Toad
~Bruce and Alfred obviously argue a lot!
~Commissioner Gordon seems really grumpy
~It’s CG which makes it a little hard to watch
~All the voice actors have the same voice quality (The girls are the only ones that seem to have variety and even then, their voices are much the same)

-Batman is has a smaller build and doesn’t seem so bulky. This results in a more acrobatic Batman that looks [and is] a lot more maneuverable. YAY!!!
-Though he seems really grumpy, Bruce Wayne has some really good character developmental moments (especially at the end); at first he’s mad at Alfred for always trying to take care of Batman as well as Bruce, but in the end he admits that he doe need help.
-Batman does more detective work than most of the other animated series that exist
-There are a lot of criminology / psychology / forensic elements in there (They did their research!) and I find those elements really enjoyable!!
-Tatsu is an interesting addition
The episode plots move quickly and thus you don’t get bored
-Despite the previously mentioned arguing of Alfred and Bruce, they are both good friends.
-Overall, this show is awesome!

Best Quotes:
“Oh didn’t I tell you? I’m the Butler” -Alfred

“Are you crazy? If we had still been in there, we would have died!!”
“Yes, You would have”
Stag and Batman’s “conversation”

Over all rating: WORTH WATCHING!!
I would recommend this to anyone who wants to watch a decent Batman show…at first I was skeptical, but with encouragement from my brother (a die-hard batman fan) I decided to give it a try.  I’m really glad I did too, if you love Batman, this is a MUST

-The MANGA Doctor

4 thoughts on “First Post and…Batman?!

  1. Sounds really interesting! You made me want to watch it! You’re a great reviewer: I love how you listed your opinion in a pro/con list. Your reviewing “voice” is really fun to read, too! Thank you for posting!

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